Mumbai- The 3rd World Congress on MIS and ENDOSCOPIC SPINE SURGERY was organised by Endoscopic spine foundation India (ESFI) along with Egyptian and World Neurosurgeons Community Academy (EWNCA), World Federation of Neurological Societies (WFNS), Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons (ACNS), Bombay Orthopedic Society (BOS)at the prestigious HOLY SPIRIT HOSPITAL, Andheri,
Mumbai recently. The four-day program on Spine Endoscopy was an excellent feast of great learning to all the spine enthusiasts Neurosurgeons, Orthopedic surgeons and Pain specialists who participated as Faculties and attended as delegates from all over the world and different parts of India. Renowned Spine Surgeons from USA, South Korea, Argentina,Mexico, Singapore, India, South Africa, Egypt, Middle eastern and many other countries participated in this educational fest.
Dr. Malcolm Pestonji who is a founder and Managing Director of Endoscopic Spine foundation India is also a Spine consultant at the Holy Spirit, Andheri. He has been performing endoscopic spine surgeries at Holy Spirit Hospital along with the Orthopaedic department. The Orthopaedic department is extremely skilled in various techniques of Orthopaedic surgeries,Endoscopic spine surgery being one of them. The entire department took a lot of effort to organise this grand event. Hands-on training was given on porcine spine to postgraduate and young Ortho and neuro surgeons aspiring to take endoscopic spine surgery as a super speciality. Live endoscopic and microscopic surgeries were performed by renowned surgeons at this conference.
Among the various surgeries performed Dr Malcolm Pestonji performed and demonstrated an advanced technique of spinal fusion with implantation of rods and screws through keyhole incisions of 1cms following which the patient was discharged within 2 days of surgery. Endoscopic spine surgery is a blessing to all the patients suffering from spine ailments as the patient can walk and go home within 1 to 3days of surgery depending on the complexity of the case and can resume normal activities within about 15 days to one month of surgery.
This entire event including streaming of live surgeries and lectures was also broadcasted on Zoom for the extensive learning of spine surgeons in India and all over the world who could not attend.
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