Tuesday, December 30, 2014


             Our social organization had organized a big Career-fest. There were flurry of primary discussions with various dignitaries, institutes, clients, students, professors, sponsors etc. The chief of Organizing committee, P.R.O. Mr. Sagar was constantly busy on phone chalking out the meetings with them all. He had not met many of them personally as it was the first time he was organizing a career-fest. 

             Sagar Sir was a charming smooth talker ,so naturally everybody , with whom he had a phone conversation , was eager to meet him personally. Sir's hospitality was legendary so he invited them all one by one for a personal meeting in our office and arranged for high-teas. 

              The first to arrive for a career-fest meeting was Prof. Ms. Dixit of Mumbai's most chick college. She had promised to assign a few of her talented students for the volunteer committee. I was spellbound when Prof. Dixit entered the cabin after a gentle knock on cabin-door. 

               Had I been either Ranveer or Arjun , I might have whistled ' Tune maari jo enteriyaan ...' . But alas I was a lady P.R. Coordinator working for a reputed social organisation , so I had a strict decorum to observe. I managed to contain my enthusiasm in an ear to ear smile. " You are most welcome ma'am. Sir would like to have a select few students of your college on volunteer-committee. Now, Sir will finalize the details about honorarium " , I was alluding the professor Ms. Dixit, to discuss that with our P.R.O. Mr. Sagar .She refused to even look in his direction after a cold " Hello Sir , how are you ?" 

             Sir was sitting in an executive chair facing us both, listening with baffled expression on his Shravan-beard face. After a few minutes of uneasy silence ,sir passed me a note regarding the honorarium and I discussed the same with Prof. Dixit. She agreed to all Terms and Conditions promptly and happily. But she left Sir's cabin without a customary tea. The ever hospitable Sagar Sir felt a pang of rejection. If only it had not been the month of Shravan, Sagar Sir, would have been Gillette-shaven. God alone knows, what would have happened next ... 

              Shravan is considered a holy month in the Hindu calendar. Many Hindus practice vegetarian diet. Some people don't cut hair in this month while a few don't shave at all in the Shravan. Our P.R.O. is among those few sporting  Shravan-beard. 

This post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette

Acknowledgement: Amit Pattnaik:  http://inquestofutopia.blogspot.in/2014/12/opportunity-missed.html

Dear Bloggers  : Rangan Datta - http://rangandatta.wordpress.com/         Thejesh GN -  http://thejeshgn.com/ 
Amar Naik - http://amarnaik.com/ 
Kiruba Shankar - http://www.kiruba.com/  
will you please take the #WillYouShave challenge with  BlogAdda  and  Gillette ?

Monday, December 29, 2014

Melbourne Menu

             My dear readers, I am going to be your hostess and present Melbourne to you as an exquisite 5 course dinner, which I am sure you will enjoy to the fullest. You have 2 options. You can have it a la carte ( Visit Melbourne-Tourism Victoria website) or table d'hote ( Come Alive in Melbourne videos ) ... with me. 

             We have crunchy , tangy Pani Puri for starters. Melbournians' warm , joyous spirit is infectious. City is not just the art, architecture and infrastructure but also the citizens' culture. Melbornians are accommodating and possess large hearts. They mix up genuinely with foreigners, without any inhibitions. This is totally evident in the following video.

                               Why George Columbus loves pani puri  

For the main-course we have richly rich history .Let's revel into the golden past of Melbourne, which is literally GOLD, with gold-mining history. Melbourne is founded by John Batman and John Pascoe Fawker. Governor Bourke named it Melbourne in 1837 after the then British Prime minister William Lamb, 2nd  Viscount Melbourne. 

Gold was discovered in 1851 and the resulting gold rush transformed Melbourne. The accelerated population growth and the enormous wealth of the goldfield ushered in the era known as Marvellous MelbourneMelbourne was the national capital of Australia from 1901 to 1927. In 1956 Melbourne hosted The Olympics. In 2003 Melbourne was named as a UNESCO City of Literature.

            I am sure all of you enjoyed the historical main course. Now it's time for the present. Melbourne hosts the majority of Australia's contemporary festivals , thrilling world-class events, art-culture-music shows etc. Tourism is a major industry. Have a look at what makes Melbourne Australia's second largest city  modern , commercial-financial center, cosmopolitan, elegant and chic ... the most livable as well as lovable city in the world. 

Next on the platter is ' Melbourne in 1 word - Awesome ' which consists variety entertainment for all in the family. Thrilling experience of the Great Ocean Walk, Melbourne Cricket Ground, different types of Australian wildlife, especially Penguin parade at Phillip Island, Cruising the streets of Melbourne and enjoying delicious meal in the Colonial Tram car restaurant, Hot air ballooning , Segway-rides, wonderful vineyards of Yarra valley, crossing the West Gate Bridge for amazing view of the Melbourne city. 

              Finally it's the time for nutty , sweet dessertsLet's fall in love with Melbourne as Shantaram did with our Mumbai. *Shantaram is a blockbuster novel by a Melbourne-born author Gregory David Roberts. He got addicted to heroin when his marriage broke. He was a convicted bank robber who escaped from prison and fled to Mumbai, lived for ten years as a fugitive. He established a free medicine clinic for slum-dwellers. Simultaneously he worked as a counterfeiter, smuggler ,gunrunner, and street soldier for a branch of the Mumbai mafia. Recaptured in Germany, he served out his sentence there and in Australian prison. After his release, he established a successful multimedia company, and since the publication of Shantaram, he is a full-time writer. 

            In 2003 G. D. Roberts wrote the novel 'Shantaram'. The novel is a smashing hit all over the world in general and Mumbai in particular for it's in your face portrayal of fast n furious life in Mumbai. The book's name Shantaram is derived from the name his best friend's mother gave him, which means "Man of Peace,". Shantaram loves Mumbai as his own so it's quite natural to reciprocate the love with Melbourne. Shantaram has literally given his blood and soul for Aamchi Mumbai.

            Do we have any other option but to fall head over hill, in Love with Melbourne? There is so much common between Mumbai and Melbourne. I wish Prime Minister Narendra Modi declares Melbourne as the sister city of Mumbai. It will promote cultural, commercial ties, foster friendship, understanding between different cultures, and will encourage trade as well as tourism.

( This post is a part of a contest with Visit Melbourne and IndiBlogger )

Contest for Readers 

Which of  these places   would you want to visit in Melbourne and why ?

The best answer will win a gift voucher worth Rs. 500 /-
Contest ends on 5th Jan 2015 
Please answer in a comment box.

Thank you all for participation. Heartiest Congratulations to D.Nambiar for winning the Melbourne Menu contest. Kindly inbox your contact details by tonight.

*Reference : Wikipedia- Shantaram

Saturday, December 27, 2014


    Itani shakti hame dena dataa, mann ka vishwaas kamjor ho naa !

                Hum chale nek rastepe humse , bhoolkar bhee koi bhool ho naa !

              The morning school prayer was over and the first period was in full swing, when we reached the school. The peon led us , latecomers to the Principal's cabin. We were six in all, we the Pandav ( gang of five school girls ) and a boy from other class. The boy was quite infamous for his bluntness. He blurted that , he was half way to the school and suddenly he could not control his bowel movement , so he had to return home. He even had a sweet excuse for his rush. He had eaten 2 Besan-laddus. The principal scrunched her nose and asked him to join the class. We were fascinated by the boy's story but did not dare to repeat it for obvious reason.    

               " Just give me one reason ,why all five of you are late in school ? It must be because of one. Who is that one ? Why was she late? The lunch was not ready ? Was she so engrossed in studies that she lost the sense of time ? Just because the fault of one , why four others should suffer ? This is not fair. Just tell me who is the defaulter and her reason. The remaining four can go in the class." our principal was angry with us Pandav  for being 15 minutes late in school but she had not raised her voice yet. 

                Instead of scolding us she was actually giving us an option , to tell an excuse. All 5 of us were searching the floor-tiles for an inspiration to whip up a lie, which could be acceptable and cool her down. The problem was, only one of us, Pappyaa had guts to utter a lie in front of the principal and she was baffled by Principal's sympathetic approach. 

                Cigarette! Yeah the real reason for our late was cigarette-packets , which we were collecting for a contest organised by a famous cigarette brand. We were supposed to send 50 ( 10 * 5 Pandav ) empty cigarette-packets to the company's HQ with an attractive slogan as a contest entry. The prizes were very enticing eg. cycles , school bags , calculators , encyclopedias , chocolate-hampers etc. The real dampeners were our fathers. None of them drink or smoke so we had to collect the packets discarded by other's fathers.   Our mission cigarette-packet-collection had gathered momentum and we forgot about mundane school timings. 

                " Girls, you are wasting time. Either YOU yourselves tell me the reason for late or I will send letters to your parents demanding the same." That was an ultimatum, cause we could not face our parents with our cigarette-packet-collection. We repeated sorry, sorry  but the principal was adamant. Our self-appointed leader Pappyaa deserted us in the crisis and kept mum. 

                Suddenly , the most modest among us Pandav, Sandhya broke the silence with " Madam , we are extremely sorry for being late. This won't happen again. We will throw away the cigarette-packets collected till now so that we don't have to collect the remaining. From now onward , we will concentrate only on studies. This is a promise." The principal was saucer-eyed-speechless , breathless for a whole minute as if she could not fathom what she was hearing. 

             " Cigarette ? My students roaming the streets, collecting cigarette-packets ? How could you ? How ... dare you confess such insanity? Go home , Send your parents "- the principal was shouting so loudly that the teachers from adjoining staff-room barged in. Why , oh why Sandhya had to be such a righteous Mahatma Gandhi ? It' super-duper-hit to do a Bapugiri in Munnabhai , but in the real world it's FLOP. 

              Sandhya held her fort with " Madam , please pardon us only once. We will be model students henceforth. We promise to study so hard, that you will invite our parents for annual felicitation." That grandeur promise combined with Sandhya's honest demeanor won Principal's maternal heart.

             Are you still wondering , whether this is a true story or a fiction ? Would you like to know , what happened to that girl , Sandhya ? Well , her door boasts of the nameplate : Dr. Sandhya Kadam ( M. D. )  

Kitna DUM hota hai na sachchai mein.

This post is written as part of Happy Hour activity with CocaCola  Kinley and IndiBlogger 

  Kinley 2014 TVC

Thursday, December 25, 2014


Indian Bloggers

My favorite author is Jaywant Dalvi. He was one of the most handsome Marathi-author. He used to work in USIS, that might be the reason , he was always well groomed , Gillette-shaven. His short stories compilation ' Kashasathi ...Potasathi ' is a caricaturist comedy-par excellence. In one of the stories, a bearded, pseudo-social worker makes a dramatic entry into the native village of author. What follows next is best to be read in Mr. Dalvi's own tongue-in-cheek humored words.

              The story starts with the arrival of a White-washed i.e. White-clothed , White-bearded, middle-aged, pseudo social worker Sokaji in a sleepy village of Maharashtra ( Konkan coast ).  He blows his own trumpet "I am Akhand Brahmachari ( celibate ), all ladies are like mothers to me." Maharashtra is well known for social activism, social movements , social empowerment etc. Naturally this so-called social worker Sokaji  receives warmest reception from the village folks.  The 1st impression he makes on children is " Who's this Jungli ?( Marathi word for wild animal ), Why is he here ? "

               Sokaji starts sermonizing the obedient, respectful villagers. " Don't eat meat / fish / eggs. Don't drink tea. Eat only vegetables, fruits and Ghee. Drink only milk." The fact is Konkani villagers are poor farmers. Their staple food is Fish and rice. They hardly have money to buy fruits, milk and ghee. It's almost impossible for them to survive on the Milky-white diet prescribed by Sokaji. 

                Sokaji, the guest demands the daily dose of fruits, milk and ghee from poor villagers. To abide their duties as host , the villagers contribute a large sum of money to satiate the un-human hunger of Sokaji. Most of the time he just eats, sleeps and lectures the villagers about what to do and what not to do. He makes a great show of loving children. Children hate his unkempt , scratchy , scruffy , bearded sight and touch. They gang up against him and plan to teach him a lesson.

              The children write a fake letter "Dear Sokaji, I like you but hate your BEARD and white clothes. If you shave your beard , wear a colorful shirt and meet me at the riverside at 8 p.m. I will be waiting for you. Yours Hema." and deliver it to Sokaji through a young child. 

             Sokaji is totally smitten by the contents of that letter. He shaves his beard, wears a colorful shirt , hides his face in a muffler and goes to riverside at the night for the clandestine meeting. Meanwhile, the children have asked the elders to reach at the riverside by 8 p.m. to see the real face of Sokaji.

             All the hell breaks loose, when Sokaji reaches at the riverside in a colorful shirt. The villagers are shocked and feel cheated. They beat up Sokaji and drive him out of the village.

This post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette

Acknowledge :Manisha http://kreativestrokes.com/willyoushave-challenge-1/
Twitter handle : @just_manisha 

Dear Blogger friends : Amit Pattnaik - Dil ke colour pencil se , Amsang - soonev , Khushbu - munni of all trades , Manjulika - manjulika pramod , Shahen - world through my yeux will you please take the #WillYouShave challenge with  BlogAdda  and  Gillette ?

Friday, December 19, 2014

i-genius Stars, Dazzled


'Aaa... shaa....yeinn .... ' Salim saab's highly resonant tenor greeted us as we entered the Grand Ball room of Taj Land's End- Bandra. Thanks a zillion team Blogadda for giving us, bloggers this melodious opportunity. We were invited to attend and interact with the 5 junior and 5 senior finalists of Max Life Insurance ‘i-genius Young Singing Stars’ Grand Finale .

Max Life Insurance and Universal Music India , concluded a Mega-musical ‘i-genius Young Singing Stars’ event at Taj Land's End in Mumbai. The grand finale showcased brilliant performances by the 10 finalists. The 10 were chosen from 1.26 lakhs participants. The day turned out to be mesmerizing with a star studded jury including, Salim Merchant and Shraddha Sharma. The two winners Shraddhaa Shree (seniors category ) and Shivam Ahuja ( juniors category ) won an album contract while the 8 finalists won ‘single song’ contract with Universal Music Group.

Max Life Insurance ‘i-genius Young Singing Stars’ programme was launched as a nationwide search for young singing talent. The video conferencing round resulted in the final short listing to top 10 who went through mentoring sessions with Salim Merchant and Shraddha Sharma.  

Mr. Rajesh Sud CEO and Managing Director, Max Life Insurance said, “We believe that nurturing young talent is the best investment one can make to build a secure and brighter future for India. We had launched the i-genius programme in 2010 to recognize young talent. We have connected with over 20 lakh children across the country through our i-genius Scholarship and Young Authors Hunt programme.”

Ms Anisha Motwani, Director and Chief Marketing Officer said, “i-genius Young Singing Stars is a unique programme that celebrates, recognizes and rewards young talent. Out of 1.26 lakh entries, 9,000 plus entries were by under-privileged children. It gives us a feeling of satisfaction when we see these children coming one step closer to their dreams.”

Devraj Sanyal, Managing Director - Universal Music Group and EMI South Asia said "This is the most amazing talent I have witnessed in my career. We at Universal and EMI are proud to be an integral part of the process of discovering and nurturing these future stars. "

The programme was designed in four phases-:
  • Phase 1: Interested participants registered online at www.igenius.org or through registration at all Max Life offices
    • followed by a one minute audio submission on IVR number or via an online widget on www.igenius.org
  • Phase 2: Digital Auditions were held in select cities in each region through video-conferencing.
  • Phase 3: 10 selected kids received mentoring from the Brand Ambassadors
  • Phase 4 (Finale): After training from the mentors, the kids performed at a grand finale event where 1 winner was selected from each group and won an album recording contract with Universal Music Group and 4 finalists from each group won a contract for a single song. Also 500 winners received CD Hampers as consolation prizes

Max Life Insurance Co. Ltd. (www.maxlifeinsurance.com) One of the leading life insurers, is a joint venture between Max India Ltd. and Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co. Ltd. Max Life Insurance has set in place a values driven culture and corporate governance through its superior human capital.
Universal Music India: UMIPL has an extremely rich Indian catalogue . On the International music front, UMIPL are the clear market leaders with ABBA, Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams, Enrique Iglesias, Eminem, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, The Beatles, UB40, Deep Purple, Enigma, Norah Jones, Deadmau5, The Chemical Brothers.

This post is written as a special invitee of Max Life Insurance , Universal Music India and Blogadda

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Teddy Travelogues

             My nephew Aamen and niece Adi are apples of our eyes and Mangoes of our Hearts.  I know this sentence sounds cheesy but that is the only way to describe their almighty status in our family. Our routine days as well as vacations are planned carefully according to their school days, holidays and preferences. 

              Earlier when Aamen was a baby, we had to choose our vacation destination near Mumbai, so that we could return home fast and easily ,in case of emergency. The resort had to be plush, clean, catering nutritious food and well connected to Mumbai. We didn't pay much attention to the entertainment facilities such as dance-floor, game zone, cycling , karaoke, swimming pool , boating , sports , adventure activities etc. 

               Now , that Aamen has grown up to be a dashing , sporty teenager,our priorities have changed dramatically. Aamen dictates the destination , the specific resorts to enjoy our vacations. He listens to his friends' vacation-stories, browses through their facebook snaps, googles the picnic-spots and gives his full proof verdict. We the parents double check his choice-destination on google plus we talk to the parents of Aamen's friends for first hand information. That's how we finalize our mission-vacation.

            Aamen loves sports , adventure activities, singing , dancing , swimming , cycling , rappelling , Safari , amusement parks , water rides , sketching , painting , playing musical instruments , board games etc. Most of these sports, fun, entertainment activities are available at Club Mahindra  , which has 40 resorts to explore and many moments to enjoy with family. 

          Children have fountain of high energy which needs numerous avenues to express themselves. They love to explore . They hate to sit in one place , just being idle. Serenity, meditation is not their idea of vacationing. We the parents must not force our likes and dislikes on the lively, energetic children. Let's give them the freedom to choose, select their own recreation and rejuvenation ideas.

       I know , I know , by now all of you must be cursing me, "Enough of Aamen-puran , what about Adi ? What's her choice ? Do you folks care for her or not ? Well, the truth is Adi's most favorite vacation activity is SHOPPING , just like her Aai and mawshi. 

           Adi has always been a model -Tai ( elder sister ) .She prefers Aamen's company more than anything else. She has grown up to be a graceful lady with melodious voice and a classical ( BharatNatyam ) dancer. Aamen and Adi, singing and dancing together is an exquisite feast for eyes and ears. Here Adi steals the show with her excellent singing / dancing talent. Aamen is master-mimic. We firmly believe that these kids can set any stage on FIRE. They have tremendous potential to set up a full-fledged orchestra. 

           Aamen and Adi both have healthy appetite and like all Mumbai-kids they crave for chatpataa food. WE ensure that the food is delicious as well as nutritious, cause we want them to be happy and energetic while vacationing. In the vacations we gain abundant fun and frolic, while children learn practical things like camping, sharing, adjusting to the surroundings , which mold their personalities .

This post is written for Happy Hours with  Club Mahindra TeddyTravelogues  and IndiBlogger 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Safety begins with ME

            I stood transfixed, praying hard to all 33 crores of Gods + Red-Signal. I was sure, if I moved, something horrible would sure to happen. Aamen, my nephew saw me on the other side of road and ran to cross the road. Aamen crosses the road in his own signature style. He runs headlong , without looking in Right and Left directions for approaching vehicles. He never waits for the Red signal. 

            Thank god, I mean the drivers, who allowed him to pass, stopping their vehicles midway. How wrong! Imagine the vehicles stopping midway without Red signal. What if the vehicle right behind is speeding fast and crashes into the stationary vehicle? whose fault is it? driver's or the pedestrian's who is jay-walking/ running? Crossing the road as if he is the Maharaja riding an elephant!

            We returned home, I was fuming and Aamen was trying to pacify me with 'Chill mouse, I always cross the road like this only. The driver-uncles stop their cars.' I controlled my raging temper and explained him the road / traffic -rules... so that when he gets his driving licence, he should be able to drive perfectly as well as RESPONSIBLY.

            Traffic rules and regulations are not only for car-drivers but also for the pedestrians, cyclists, bikers and other road users. The basic knowledge of traffic rules / regulations , traffic signs is very essential for US , whether we are drivers or road users. This will reduce the number of accidents and ensure a proper road-traffic safety in India for us Indians.

1. Let's Drive sober. Don't Drive Drunk. NEVER. : most of the deaths could have been avoided if the drivers hadn't been drunk. Alcohol causes a number of impairments that lead to road accidents. Intoxication reduces reaction time and coordination and lowers inhibitions, which can cause drivers to take wrong decisions. Alcohol causes blurred or double vision and loss of consciousness. Drunk Driving is a CRIME in India.

2. Let's not drive fast. High speed is fatal. Let's Slow down .For every mile per hour we drive faster, the likelihood of our being in accident increases. At higher speed, the risk of accident increases more rapidly. 

3. Let's Pay Attention. Let's Avoid Distraction : Talking on cell phones, eating, drinking, smoking or chatting with fellow passengers diverts driver's attention , causing serious accidents. 

4. Let's Take notice of road-signs, roadside reflectors and other visual signals.

5. Let's Fasten, seat belts. Seat belts prevent us from being thrown around, in case of an accident. Almost more than half of all accident fatalities are people who are not using seat belts.

6. Let's take Extra care in Monsoon, when it's pouring cats and dogs. The roads are slippery and the vision is blurred. 

7. Let's Keep safe distance between our car and the car ahead. Driver needs enough space to maneuver the car when another car suddenly turns or stops. 

8. Let's Keep track of other drivers. We may be the ideal drivers with proper speed and following all traffic rules but the others can crash into our car. Let's be prepared for irregular lane changes, mid-way stops, turns etc.

9. Safe driving. Let's remain calm/ cool while driving.

10. Let's always check the tires before hitting the road. Let's keep the tires properly inflated.

11. Let's keep the headlights and tail lights on. Put the headlights on low-beam when another vehicles is within 200 meters or when driving behind another vehicle.

12. Let's Avoid stopping midway ,just over a hill or just around a curvy corner. A car behind us may not see us in time.

Last but not the least , Let's Always remember , our near and dear ones could be the victims of the rash driving. We ourselves don't want to be those monster who endanger the lives of other HUMAN BEINGS by careless driving.

Know more  here   The Nissan Safety Drive Forum 

The Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., conducts the Nissan Safety Driving Forum (NSDF) in India as part of its safety driving promotion activities. The program began as an annual activity in 2012. In its initial phase it covered three main Indian cities – New Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai – and since then has gradually expanded to several additional cities across India.

This year, NSDF would reach 8 new cities – Chandigarh, Jalandhar, Jaipur, Vadodara, Nagpur, Chennai, Mangalore and Kochi. The overall reach and engagement levels have phenomenally grown and NSDF has effectively reached close to 2 lakh citizens. It continues to stay committed to its core objective of promoting safe driving behaviour in India.

Compared to the previous year, NSDF has witnessed an impressive 126% growth in the sensitisation of wearing seatbelts. In addition, NSDF also conducts live simulated experiences to understand how safety features function through a simulated car crash. A 360-degree turn over highlights the use of seatbelts, while sessions on road safety emphasises on road etiquette to stay safe.

Under its Blue Citizenship CSR umbrella, NSDF by Nissan works to build awareness of safe driving in India. NSDF encourages drivers and passengers to wear seatbelts, and participants learn through interactive activities the importance of wearing seatbelts.

Nissan seeks to support reducing fatalities and injuries caused by traffic accidents, and NSDF represents the company's commitment in contributing to young, vibrant and mobile India.


Blue Citizenship is the commitment of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. to realise our vision of Enriching People's Lives. We commit to our customers, shareholders, employees and the communities where we do business to deliver engaging, valuable and sustainable mobility for all. Through our business activities, we aim to create economic value and to actively contribute towards the development of a sustainable society.

* Shared from Nissan's website This post is written for a contest organised by Nissan  and IndiBlogger

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

PreMarital Sex

              First thing first and that is sex. If we believe that Sex = making Love then it's passionate true love, not just an act of lust. Every thing is fair in Love. The Question is whether it is Marital or Premarital ?  

              Umm ...uhh... hummm ...  Why ? When ? Where to start ? Where to stop ? so many questions ... so many answers with Different Perspectives. 

              "Premarital sex is a sexual activity practiced by persons who are unmarried." Now this wiki-definition is so ambiguous. Persons can be of opposite gender or of same gender. If persons i.e. lovers are of same gender then in many countries they are not permitted to marry. In that case, what option they have other than Premarital sex ? 

               Premarital sex , Yes or No ... both options have Pros and Cons. Almost all would agree that, Premarital sex among adults who love, trust and are loyal to each other, who are ready to shoulder the responsibility is Capital YES while Premarital sex among children ( below 18 years of age ), who are physically, mentally, economically dependent on their parents is Capital NO. 

               Premarital sex among the adult-bachelors is some-what common in metro-cities all over the World. In today's MOM-age I mean Mars Orbiter Mission-age, not Mother-age, adults are so busy with their careers that they hardly have time to think about settling down. Young generation work hard to achieve their fluorescent dreams. Naturally they want to party harder with their friends , partners , sweethearts etc. to alleviate their slogging. Music, Dance, Drinks and Dear, loving partner all make for such a heady combination. In such euphoric parties, love-making i.e. sex is common phenomena , where the partners are not yet married. Not married but love, trust and loyal to each other.

                Most of the times, marriage hurdles the ascending career-graph of the girls. The married girls have to do household daily chores , cook food , look after children well as elders. The wives from conservative families are not allowed to stay late in the office. So the girls delay the marriage, even though they have a boyfriend. In such cases, premarital sex happens. The only word of caution here will be 'Take care of yourself and your loyal, loving and trusting partner. Safe Sex is the key-word for premarital sex'

              As far as Indian boys are concerned, they have extra responsibility of buying apartments, cars, furniture, jewelry etc. for the bride. Young people find it difficult to incur heavy expenses for the big, fat Karan Johar style extravagant wedding ceremonies. After all, all bachelors are not lucky like Arpita, to have Salman Khan as a Bhai to gift them the Taj-Falaknuma-Palace -wedding. In such situations, what choice do the young people have than the premarital sex with their loyal lover? 

               Let's take an example of a girl and a boy who love each other. They love each other, but their families don't stand each other because of differences in caste, cultures, religions etc. In this scenario , what option does the couple have ? Even if their respective families agree for the match , but in the space-starved cities they don't have their own home, then where would they stay post-marriage ? In such cases premarital sex is totally acceptable as the couple will certainly marry for their eternal love, in near future. 

               Premarital sex is considered taboo in many cultures and considered a sin in almost all religions. It became more commonly accepted in developed / Western European countries like Spain, Germany, France etc. in the last few decades. It was sort of aftermath of industrial revolution. As the large scale production boosted economy, people became more materialistic. 

               " No Sex Please, We are Indians " has been the foreigners' point of view about Indians. If we look at the alarming population growth in India, it's evident that sex is happening. But it's not Premarital. You may say ' Oh how bourgeois !' My personal view is  ' Nay - No -Never , PreMarital sex is DANGER , avoid it like a Cancer ' 

       The above pictures are shared from author Poonaam Uppal website.
To find True Love / Twin soul : Poonam Uppal's True Love - A Mystical True Love Story on Flipkart

This post is written as a contest entry for Poonam Uppal's True Love - A Mystical True Love story , Flipkart , Being Social and IndiBlogger.