Taiwan - As the world tries to anchor itself in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, industries are poised to recover from the impact of the pandemic. The PCB industry is expected to turn decline into growth with the development of 5G, electric cars and AIoT. In response to increased demand, PCB manufacturers are expanding production as a response measure, which drives demand for PCB equipment. Recently Taiwan Excellence held the 'Taiwan Excellence PCB Equipment' Online Press Conference with the aim of familiarizing global buyers with Taiwanese PCB equipment. Taiwan Excellence is an international campaign to promote Taiwan's superior products. The e-conference saw four of Taiwan's most prominent PCB equipment companies demonstrate their advanced solutions for upgrading PCB processes by importing digitalization and automation, creating a flexible production line, and achieving "small amount, large variety" production. Brands include iconic names such as C-Sun, Aurotek, ATMA and SAA. With the rapid development of advanced technologies, the electronics industry is again in the spotlight. The world is hoping to develop its local industries with the help of the electronics industry. And PCB manufacturing is the foundation. Taiwan, well known for its PCB manufacturing process, is globally recognized for its precision machinery techniques and manufacturing experience. To meet clients' needs, Taiwan has come up with solutions for PCB production by assembling a high-end and flexible production line, and plays a vital role in advancing the technology.
At the climax of the conference, Taiwan Excellence award-winning companies introduce their latest offerings and technologies:
C-Sun, Asia's No.1 exposure system maker, shared two topics: how to make mylar peeling procedures simpler and safer, and how to make exposure proceduresmore efficient and eco-friendly.
Aurotek, a well-known PCB depaneling router maker, demonstrated how its unique mechanical design and easy-to-operate software improves production efficiency and accuracy in the depaneling procedure.
ATMA, the largest PCB screen printing system maker in the world, introduced its "ATMALINE PC68" printing line. The system integrates the plug-through, screen printing and drying procedure into an automatic line, which massively saves human resources and improves the yield rate to over 97 percent.
SAA, the leading company in automation equipment on PCB production lines, explained how it helps PCB manufacturers import automation and Industry 4.0 concepts into a PCB factory, including production lines, facilities and logistics systems, for a stable and efficient operation.
"Taiwan Excellence Smart Machinery Virtual Pavilion" is also being introduced at the conference, where buyers are offered up-to-date information on equipment and facilities for PCB processes. Speaking about the conference, TAITRA president and CEO Walter Yeh said "Taiwan has a wealth of experience and mature techniques in PCB processes and precise machine production skills, which are the advantages of Taiwan's PCB equipment makers. Along with the development of new technologies such as 5G, PCB demand continues to grow and is driving the demands of PCB equipment. At today's conference, Taiwan Excellence companies show how they apply their advanced solutions to help their customers meet modern production demands in "small, large-variety" and build up core competence.
Mr. Guann-Jyh Lee, Deputy Director-General, Bureau of Foreign Trade.After more than 50 years of development, Taiwan's PCB industry has set up a mature and complete supply chain that includes PCB equipment, MOEA said. In response to the global import industry 4.0 trend, Taiwanese PCB equipment manufacturers submitted smart solutions and helped customers set up energy-efficient and eco-friendly PCB production lines. Taiwan PCB equipment is the best partner for countries and companies intending to develop PCB manufacturing industries.
To re-experience the press conference: https://reurl.cc/7o93DD
To review company and product information: https://reurl.cc/0Ogxxx
To enter the Taiwan Excellence Smart Machinery Virtual Pavilion: https://reurl.cc/2g4W8a
Mark WU
Director of Strategic Marketing Department
Taiwan External Trade Development Council
02-2725-5200 #1300
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