Tuesday, December 18, 2018

India won the physically challenged cricket "Wadekar Trophy 2018" by defeating Afghanistan

Sachin Tendulkar Gymkhana at Kandivali concluded the India- Afghanistan batting line-up. In this series, 3 matches of 20 overs and 2 matches of 40 overs were played. India won 20 over series against Afghanistan by 3-1, whereas the match tie was achieved by winning both the matches in 40 overs. Afghanistan won the match by 58 runs in the last match of 40 overs. In this match, Afghanistan scored 148 runs in 29 overs. India got only 90 runs in 21 overs. Specially, all the batsmen of both the teams have been dismissed.
In T 20 match, players proved their mettle as: Best Bowler-Shirin Aga (Afghanistan), Best Batsman –Akhabari (Afghanistan), Best fielding-Kudartula(Afghanistan ), Man of the Match-Pawan kumar (India), Man of the series-Taufiqe((Afghanistan ) excelled.

In one day match Indian players excelled as: Best Bowler-Anshul (India), Best batsman-Kunal Phanse (India), Best filder-Saurabh Rawalia (India) and Man of the Match Narendra Mangore
(India), 'Man of the Series' Narendra Mangore (India), Man of the Series Taufik (Afghan) wins.

The award distribution ceremony was attended by former cricketer Milind Rege, Cricketer Umesh Kulkarni, Industrialists Anil Joglekar, Afghan Consulate General in Mumbai Mohmed Zia Salehi, Indian Disabled cricketers’ Association Secretary Vinayak Dhotre, Rekha Wadekar, Vipul Wadekar, Kashmira Wadekar, Indian Development Council Secretary Suresh Jain, Director Services Sales, Avaya Vaibhav Kshatriya and Cultural Ambassador of Afghanistan Gafur Hashmi


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