The event was organized by Thakur Uday Raj Singh's grandson and renowned social worker - Aditya Chauhan, with support from Bhavna Dumbre and Manohar Dumbre. The event's primary Chief Guest Kripashankar Singh passionately advocated the establishment of Uttar Bhartiya bhavan in Thane District.
Thane – In memory of Thakur Uday Raj Singh, a distinguished and influential social activist from the North Indian community, a series of awards were presented to individuals from various walks of life in Thane. Singh's legacy of dedication and service to society was honored through this significant event, highlighting the contributions of remarkable social workers.
Thakur Uday Raj Singh was a prominent and impactful personality in the North Indian community, known for his relentless efforts towards social justice and community development. His work and commitment continue to inspire many, and the awards ceremony served as a testament to his enduring influence.
The event, attended by esteemed dignitaries, including Former Maharashtra Home Minister Kripashankar Singh, MLA Sanjay Kelkar, MLC Niranjan Davkhare, BJP Maharashtra Secretary Sandeep Lele, Former Head of BJP Corporators Manohar Dumbre, BJP Thane Uttar Bhartiya Morcha President Rajkumar Yadav, BJP Thane Yuva Morcha President Suraj Dalvi, and Pankaj Mishra, among others, was a grand success.
The event's primary chief guest, Kripashankar Singh, delivered a speech that resonated deeply with the audience. He eloquently highlighted the contributions and significant role of North Indians in the Thane district, and emphasized their future potential. Singh passionately advocated for the establishment of an Uttar Bhartiya Bhavan in Thane District, announcing that work on this initiative would commence soon. The proposed Bhavan aims to serve as a hub for cultural activities, community gatherings, and social initiatives, furthering the legacy of Thakur Uday Raj Singh and fostering a sense of unity and pride among North Indians in Thane.
Organized by Aditya Chauhan, President of the Seva Aur Sahyog Foundation and grandson of Thakur Uday Raj Singh, the awards recognized the exceptional contributions of social workers Siddharth and Akash Pandey, Dhananjay Singh, Chetana Singh, Abhishek Chaubey, Anamika Singh, Jai Singh, Dr. Nikita Singh, Amit Tyagi, Roshan Shrivastav, and Vinay Kumar Rajbhar. These individuals were honored for their tireless efforts and significant impact on society, each demonstrating outstanding dedication and commitment to their respective causes.
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