Thursday, March 26, 2020

HyLyt …. get peace of mind and see how it makes you powerful, productive and profitable!!

The current spread of the corona virus pandemic is having a serious impact on all of us. While socializing can stop, business cannot come to a standstill. In such challenging times, companies are finding ways and means of adapting to this to ensure business goes on.

           Can your business continue as earlier and minimize the impact on productivity?
           Can your teams continue carrying out the day to day tasks that are business critical?
           Can your workforce still collaborate, easily access critical information and generally operate effectively while working remotely?  Without the risk of data leakage?

There are many solutions that allow departments, teams, individuals, customers to co-operate in multi-locations and work from home environments with tools for remote working that enable collaboration, communication, note taking, messaging (chats), cloud storage, scheduling and retrieval on the go on mobile devices and notebooks. Many products have one or more of the above functions, the problem is that they still work in silos, and we have to work on multiple separate applications (apps) at any given time. Additionally these applications can neither prevent data leakage nor let you control what the users can do with your data which is extremely important for any business.

Can any of the current tools provide you a single platform that does all the above with a single touchpoint  the answer is NO.

Are you ready to adapt!!!HyLyt, a Unified Information Management and Sharing platform brings a paradigm shift to make your Organization up and running for your workforce to work in a remote and distributed work environment without any significant change. It lets you do all the above on a single platform in a seamless way, helps you prevent data leakage and control what your users can do with your data. Click here to visit our website for more details. We want to help you and have a special promo - 60 days free if you sign up now!!!

Please mail us or call us, and we will be happy to give you a demo of HyLyt and get you on board. Also connect me to any person (business) who can benefit from this unique product specially if they have remote and work-from-home teams. Look forward to hear from you!!

HyLyt . get peace of mind and see how it makes you powerful, productive and profitable!!

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