Saturday, December 21, 2019

Agent Power : Debut novel by Teenager Soham Shah

The Author of Agent Power, Soham Shah lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. He’s 14 years old and is a robotics enthusiast. He studies in Savitridevi Hariram Agarwal International School. 

Soham has a keen interest in reading and writing books; and this is his first book. Non-fiction is his favorite genre and he loves writing about something regarding a mystery or an alien invasion. However apart from writing books, he’s quite passionate about new ideas in the field of robotics and also enjoys writing blogs. He likes to discover more in any field of his interest.

Synopsis Of Agent Power
Kazub, a city was once attacked by aliens which were out-driven by the P.O.A agency and its heroic leaders the Sheins. However this enmity lead to a heavy cost which no one could afford! 

Come and venture adventures of the three generation Shein family who sacrificed themselves not only for their city, but for the whole world. Despite facing the treacherous aliens, they saved the whole world from external space aggression and aliens who could go beyond any limit and could capture all the realities that exists. Continuous aliens invasion that will spread their wrath and evilness and will grasp you in its magic spell! If you are a fiction lover then this is a must read for you!

Come and join the epic generation story! Grab and read the book now!