Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Real Togetherness with Mother Earth

Friends are the extensions of our family. I am blessed with the best friends in the world , right from school, Mass communication, to the present set of blogger-friends plus many more. We the school-friends were rare example of Real Togetherness but had grown apart after joining the college. 

We were learning Engineering , Medical , Mass Communication etc. but due to advent of virtual technology , we missed on Real time Communication i.e. Real Togetherness  We wished to but could not meet for many years as we were buried under the heavy-load of business. 

Landlines made our lives easier but the next invention Smart phones made our lives busier. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram , Whats-app etc. have increased the number of our friends, followers and specs-numbers but decreased our humanity-quotient. Smart phones have converted us into Fast n Furious machines. We have lost Human-touch, calm mind, fit body and gentle emotions due to the advent of smart phones. Serenity , Greenery and Family-celebrations are seen only in Karan Johar's NRI-centric movies. Farmers are sacrificing their own lives due to poverty, droughts, loans and misery . Global Warming is the worst result of modernization which is taking us away from Mother Nature i.e.  Real Togetherness and leading us towards extinction. 

Are science and Technology the main culprits for the destruction of humanity. NO, Capital No. We the people must realize the importance of Nature and we must be able to balance both Nature and Technology-Science ( eg. Smart phones) in our day-to-day lives. 

My first school-friend Shubha is still very close to me thanks to mother Earth. We loved to play farming in the backyard by digging tiny wells and filling them with mug-full of water. Sowing Methi ( fenugreek seeds), Vaal ( butter beans ) , Dhane ( coriander seeds ) and Zendoo ( marigold ) etc. in the dug-up soil was our favorite game. These homely seeds were easiest to grow in Mumbai soil without any chemical fertilizers. It gave us immense pleasure of dirtying our hands and surveying our handy-work. We bonded happily in Real Togetherness . 

It was the most marvelous sight in the whole universe, when tiny shoots made grand appearance above the  ground. We basked in the glory of our flourishing farm, as if the produce of our farm was to be our very next feast. Many of my colony-friends joined us in this wonderful farming game. We shared the duties and responsibilities of farming in our friends group. Some of us were to dig wells and soil, while the others had to bring seeds and sow them, remaining were watering the soil and building fences for the farm. We learned to plan, to share, to take care, responsibility, to love and to enjoy our childhood in the coolest company of Mother Nature

But alas, as we grew up, we grew apart from each other as well as from Mother Nature. We sacrificed Real Togetherness  , while running after money , money and more money 

Thanks to Whats-app feature of smart phone, last month we the school-friends got in touch and had a Refreshing / Rejuvenating Re-Union at our school. So yes, the technology has made our lives easier and connectible, to an extent. Granted that smart-phones with their addiction , had driven us apart from our near and dear ones, but at the same time they have enabled us to remain connected to all 24*7, 365 days a year.

It's up to us , how we reap the benefit of technology and crop out the demerits by controlling our dependence on smart-phones for useless FarmVille game.

One of our school friend Sandeep Manchekar is a very talented and an accomplished artist. He has a gorgeous Green farm at Indapur. He surprised us by taking a Green-pledge. He has noted down the names of our favorite trees and birth-dates. He plants a sapling on our ( school friends ) birthdays as per our wishes / choices at his Indapur farm. That's not all, on the very birth-day of a respective school-friend, he posts a photo of that sapling-planting on Whatsapp with a name-tag. He has named his farm as 'Maitri Van' ( Friendship Garden ). Fantastic ! Is not it ? This is the Real Togetherness  , we wish for . 

I am sure , you all are eager to embark on this Real Togetherness  with your friends and family. Have a look at Kissan's Kissanpur "Real Joy of Togetherness" Video . If you wish you can order seeds online from :

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  1. Maitri Van is a fab idea. I hope every year (on birthdays) he posts pictures of how much each of your trees have grown and this keeps your circle of friends also evergreen.

    You're right, if we use social media in the right way we can keep our friendships going strong.

    1. Thanks D. Nambiar for your compliment and detail interaction. Sure, I will pass on your message and wishes to Sandeep.

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